Our Way Is Nature’s Way
- InterColdStar Switzerland -

A Division of ColdStar International for:
- Europe / Middle East -

ColdStar's broad line of innovative Cold and Hot Therapy products make the best use of cold and heat far more convenient, effective, and reliable while meeting the precise needs of varying applications. Since 1963, the ColdStar line has been successfully used by hospitals, health-care centers, sports medicine, emergency care, veterinary care, dental clinics, schools, military, as well as industrial and home first aid.

Consistant Quality!

Long recognized for high quality, ColdStar's products have many imitators, but they just can't compete with the world leader in Cold and Hot Therapy Products.

Contact for Europe / Middle East:
Birkenweg 2
CH-6313 Menzingen
Phone +41 79 679 45 44

● Dedicated to Cold and Hot Therapy, it is our only business! ●
© 2010-2024